
10001 Aerospace Drive

10001 Aerospace Drive

  • Type of Service
    Commercial Snow & Ice Management
  • Type of Property
    Industrial Distribution Center
  • Location
    Lanham, MD – Prince George’s County
  • Service
    119,500 sq ft Clearing, de-icing, hauling snow away, shoveling, salting and chemical applications

Project Overview

O’Leary Asphalt alerts clients of upcoming snow events and confirms services. Teams are deployed before, during and after the event to ensure the property is safe for all who enter.

Snow & Ice Removal
  • 119,500 sq ft
  • Clearing, de-icing, hauling snow
  • away, shoveling, salting and
  • chemical applications

Project Overview

O’Leary Asphalt alerts clients of upcoming snow events and confirms services. Teams are deployed before, during and after the event to ensure the property is safe for all who enter.

Snow & Ice Removal
  • 119,500 sq ft
  • Clearing, de-icing, hauling snow
  • away, shoveling, salting and
  • chemical applications